Taking Control of Your Fitness
Taking control of your fitness is easier than you think. It begins with forming better habits and making better choices, most of the time. That sounds easy, doesn't it? The problem is that in order to make better choices, you need to break the bad habits. Breaking the bad habits is the challenging part. The easiest way to do this is simply to take action every day with a plan. Making small positive CONSISTENT & PROGRESSIVE changes to your routine is the best way to develop better habits and break your not so helpful habits. STOP making big goals. Big goals end up becoming overwhelming and an excuse to give up.
Keep yourself accountable with these simple tips:
1. Exercise with friends or hire a professional if you lack discipline.
2. Begin by committing to some form of exercise twice a week for 30 minutes. Once you make the commitment, stick to it. Ditch the excuses to stay on track for success. Excuses are the easy way out. You are stronger than that.
3. Organize and plan. Use your time wisely! Everyone has 30 minutes for exercise twice a week, it only a matter of organization.
4. Try to get your exercise time completed ASAP to avoid scheduling conflicts, excuses and sabotages. For instance, I always try to exercise first thing in the morning or immediately after work, so I am less likely to be sabotaged by life or my excuses. When my kids were little, I used to wake up at 5:00 am to get my workout in. Once my day started, there was always a chance something would prevent me from exercising and then I would be too tired. By doing this, I was able to avoid missed workouts.
5. When you consistently achieve your initial fitness goals, add another goal like adding another exercise day or using less sugar in your coffee or tea.
If you keep failing, it's time to hire a fitness coach or sign up for a fitness class. Are you afraid of taking a fitness class? No problem! Hire a trainer to help you get started to build your confidence and crush your first class. Sometimes the fear of the dreaded first class becomes overwhelming and an easy excuse to keep you from succeeding.
You Got This!